(Source: https://www.mancunianmatters.co.uk/) Statistics show a quarter of adults in England feel lonely and organisations across the region are working to tackle this issue.
Data from the ONS taken from 11th – 15th November shows that 26% of people feel lonely often, always or some of the time.
The results were taken from a sample of 4,400 people with the most affected age group being 16-29 year olds.
The ONS have also reported that 70% of adults in England reported that they were worried about the effect of coronavirus on their life.
Dawn Snape, Assistant Director of Sustainability and inequalities Division, ONS, said: “Lonely people were more likely than others to be struggling to find things to help them cope and were also less likely to feel they had support networks to fall back on.”
Read the full article on https://www.mancunianmatters.co.uk/